Debrief: Quality Circle 1

The first ENCORE+ circle event on OER quality in Europe – and the road ahead

25th, 2021, more than 30 stakeholders from all over the world came together to discuss the future of OER quality in Europe. The event served as an inspiring kick-off to a series of quality circle events facilitated by the ENCORE+ initiative. The overarching goal of this circle community is to develop a European open and community-led quality review framework for OER and open education.

In an interactive start to the session, participants shared their professional backgrounds as well as their experiences with OER quality with the group. Then, Prof. Ulf-Daniel Ehlers (Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University) gave an introduction to the current challenges that OER quality assurance is facing and the lack of an integrated European OER quality assurance mechanism (including credentialing) both in business and academia that the ENCORE+ initiative identified. Therefore, the need for a European open and community-led quality review framework for OER and open education was discussed. What such a framework might look like was the topic of energetic discussion during the inspiration panels, where smaller groups of participants engaged with each other. Their insights served as a valuable basis for taking the next steps in developing this community-led quality review framework.

It is our goal that this framework will be supported by the key quality concerns for future OER repositories, communities and users in OER creation, use and adaption that we identify as a community. The quality framework will be a tool which can be used by repository owners, by professionals (content creators, designers, etc.) and leaders in higher education and businesses and will comprise a quality charter for users. The tool will be presented as an open and adaptable framework which serves to identify quality improvement potential. We will invite participants to mutually enter into community-based quality review processes.

If your institution holds and provides OER, we hope that you will join us in developing this framework collaboratively!

We now further embark on the journey of further developing this European open and community-led quality review framework and invite you to join us for our quality workshop in January 2022. Further details will follow in the coming weeks about the date and time of the event.

We invite all institutions holding and providing OER to join the discussion. Feel free to contact Ulf-Daniel Ehlers (

If you would like to read more on , you can download the position paper to the first quality circle meeting.

A copy of the slides used to facilitate the workshop can be found clicking the button below:

Click here to watch the recording of the event

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